Thursday, January 30, 2014

Coming Out Christian

An interesting and challenging perspective with something for everybody:

". . . most gay Christians who accept the historical teaching are accepting a lifetime of celibacy. We can’t plan on marriage or wait around for it. So we’ve had to be much more intentional about asking how we can give and receive love. To whom can we devote ourselves, and on whom can we rely?
"In order to help answer these urgent questions, some churches and individual Christians are rediscovering a broader understanding of 'kinship' that goes against a culture in which marriage is the only chosen form of adult kinship we recognize. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus promises that those who lose their homes or families for His sake will receive new homes and families, 'a hundred times more now.'"
You can read the rest here. Whereas I think one interviewee spoke a bit harshly, I think this article raises some hope and good questions on, among other things, how some churches can build kinship community around Christ through singles, without the assumption of pending marriage and families. 

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