There are plenty of true stories of wisdom and/or hilarity to be told about naming a church. I've heard a few of them in person from friends who have started churches. But I was thinking this morning about a common term used in church names: community.
It's fairly popular. Some of the biggest churches in the nation use it. It's mostly used by non-denominational churches, but some denominations have used it as well, leaving the name of their denomination itself as a subtitle.
But what does it mean to you? No, I'm not looking to re-name my church or start a church plant. I really want you to consider that question. It's actually multiple-choice. I once trained under a church planter leader that challenged me with this question.
Does the word "community" in a church title mean "there's community within"? That, if you join this church, you'll be part of an intimate and loving community, despite diversity, etc.? Or, does it mean "this is a church for the community"? As to say that this specific church was built for the specific purpose of serving and showing Truth, love and charity to this specific, God-loved regional "community," not just the people that regularly come into its doors?
Sadly, I (and a lot of Christians and otherwise, I'm afraid) have thought only the former. Church unity and community is great, but let's not forget our biblical mission.
From my experience, "community" has implied neither, but rather only indicates that the church follows the church-as-entertainment model.
That's true, Josh! Also ironic that churches that self-dub community but seem to make more effort towards entertainment.
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