Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Applying the Golden Rule to My Islamic Neighbor

HT: John Mark N. Reynolds

Nobody should die for being offensive and the fact that people want to kill Americans for offending their religious beliefs is wrong. It is a greater wrong than drawing offensive cartoons.
Why would any Christian want to draw cartoons that would offend our neighbors?If Jihadis come to Texas to kill Texans over cartoons, they are making a miscalculation greater than an earlier decision to be nailed by Charles Martel. Do not mess with Texas. Bless your hearts, you will find Texans ready to defend other Texans’ right to be jerks.  Which brings us to an important question for the vast majority of Texans who are Christian:
Why would any Christian want to draw cartoons that would offend our neighbors?
You can read the rest.

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