Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday, Abby the Artist!

Early this morning, I headed out to my town's new Dunkin Donuts to buy some munchkins for my daughter for her first breakfast as a 5-year-old. Hard to believe it's been 5 years since we've been parents.

Nonetheless, happy birthday to my daughter who is more like me than what's for your own good. You're creative and passionate, so we've had to throw funerals and burials for pet slugs, make jack-o-lanterns from 4-inch pumpkins, and play along with an idea for a "message-in-a-jar" on our front porch. Not surprising, since your dad, as a young boy, threw a birthday party for a pair of shoes. We've also purchased you a $6 "art desk" from the thrift store, because you love to do "projects," some of which we're keeping for the long term. A mobile you made is currently hanging from our minivan's rearview mirror, and a painting you made (inspired by your uncle's mission trip to Mexico) is sitting on a small easel on my office bookshelf. I'm crossing my fingers that your skill turns into a free ride to a prestigious art school and our ticket to fine museums all across the world. 

In any case, have a happy 5th birthday! And never lose your passion and joy in life! 


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