Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Worshipping God in Second or Third Person?

I've had conversations about this question before when defining musical worship. There are some good thoughts here:

"I recently got a text from a young worship leader friend of mine. Here’s how it went (names omitted):
"Him: 'Just listened to a sermon by Preacher X on worship. The entire thing was KILLER. So great. He gets to the end and says something about how corporate worship lyrics need to be to God, not about God… not sure I agree.'
"Me: 'I don’t agree at all. If he’s right then the angelic host of heaven is doing corporate worship incorrectly. I don’t usually bet against the angels.'” 

What's your take?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe the Psalms were Israel's songbook. They contain examples of singing TO God and singing ABOUT God, right?

SMG, Iowa